This is the website of KNAB Finance Advisors Pvt. Ltd. contains features of financial products and services not limited to Loan Against Mutual Funds and Loan Against Shares etc. offered by KNAB Finance Advisors Pvt. Ltd.

Our address for communication is

A 31, 1st Floor, Sara House, Hauz Khas New Delhi, Delhi 110016

What information does KNAB Finance Advisors Pvt. Ltd. receive and how do we use it?

When you register for using the website or our services, we ask you for your name, date of birth, gender, contact information, certain demographic information, email address and other details such as marital status, residential status, constitution, postal address, telephone numbers, PAN number, relationship with the group, assets owned. This information lets us provide personalized services and communicate separately with you. We also use aggregated information about the use of our services to evaluate our users’ preferences, improve our programming, and facilitate third party reporting of Internet usage. Finally, like most websites, we use small bits of data called cookies stored on users’ computers to stimulate a continuous connection. Cookies let us “remember” information about your preferences and passwords and allow you to move within our Service without reintroducing yourself. Recent versions of browsers let you easily see and control cookies.

May I choose what information I disclose?

While we need certain information to register you as a unique user and let you access personalized services and to provide information and database to our group for marketing their products or to facilitate Web Mail, other requested information is optional and may be given at your discretion.

May I choose what communications I receive?

We occasionally send out any email newsletter to KNAB Finance Advisors Pvt. Ltd. users, customers, etc. to highlight features of the Service.

What if I need to review or change the personal information I previously disclosed?

We encourage our registered users to update and edit their personal information and keep it current. You can easily correct or update your personal information at any time via a mail that you can send to support@localhost other location specifically identified in connection with a particular part of our Service.

What kind of security is used to protect my information?

We store all user information in secure databases protected through a variety of access controls. This data is accessed only for the purposes specified in this privacy statement. Our security systems constantly monitor our servers to ensure that your data is secure. As an effective measure of security, it is strongly recommended that after using the website, you should properly log out from the system and close the browser.

What kind of password should I use?

The password that is chosen by you must be unique and should have at least a minimum of 5 characters and maximum of 15 characters. It is advisable to adopt the combination of alphabets and numerals in the password and it must be ensured that at least one alphabetic and one numeric character in the password. It is also recommended that you do not use easily identifiable passwords such as your name, name of your spouse, name of your children, mobile number, telephone number, date of birth, driving license number and any other easily identifiable information. It is advisable that the password should also be easy to remember and should not be written down.

Who has access to my information?

We do not share personally identifiable data with other companies (apart from group companies and those companies who are our affiliates in providing our Service to you, who agree to use it only for that purpose and in connection with the business). The data that is provided shall not be given or sold to third parties except to statutory bodies if so required under law. Employees of KNAB Finance Advisors Pvt. Ltd. will also not have access to the data provided except to the extent required for analyzing the traffic to the various web pages of the KNAB Finance Advisors Pvt. Ltd. website.

Who has access to my personal data stored in the Financial Organizer or Income Tax Calculator?

We do not share the data provided in respect of these services with any third party. Data collected in respect of these services shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed except to the extent stated above and to statutory bodies if so required under law.

What about other companies featured on KNAB Finance Advisors Pvt. Ltd. website?

You may separately agree to provide your information to other companies who provide content for various parts of our Service, in order to use their services, order their products, or receive offers from them. If you agree to provide information to these companies, that information will be subject to their privacy policies.

Whom can I contact if I have any questions regarding my privacy?

Please contact us directly at support@localhost with any questions or comments.